Yes, there's a Multiverse -- an infinite number of universes boasting their very own Earths.
Stick with me.
And, upon each and every Earth, variations of familiar DC Comics superheroes combat equally varied supervillains.
"Earth-2" is one such parallel world, boasting unique iterations of Batman, The Flash and Green Lantern -- they're considered "Wonders" by the average Earth-2 denizen.
How did one follow the adventures of Earth-2's "new" heroes? Why, they read the appropriately-named DC Comics series, Earth-2.
And, if you made it to issue #20, you had your choice of covers -- our Earth-2 #20 Steampunk Variant Cover Men's T-Shirt features the very image adorning the alternate cover for a comic exploring an alternate world.
Made from 100% cotton, this Earth-2 t-shirt for men features art by Dan Panosian -- it's a Steampunk-inspired rendering of Green Lantern (Alan Scott), The Flash (Jay Garrick), and Batman (Thomas Wayne).
Yes, Steampunk -- technological advancements powered by steam, chambered by brass, and controlled through heavy levers and churning gears.
It's all the rage.