Don't have enough time to print your own suit? Or want to skip the painful painting process of a PLA iron man suit? We are here to provide you with customizable solutions for your 3D-printed Ironman suit!
3D printed Iron Man suit MK85 for wearing or display. It's worth collecting in your life if you are a real fan of Iron Man!
Iron Man suits we can print: MK7, MK46, MK47, MK50, the rescue suit, and MK85, prices vary from different marks. This is the price for MK85, contact me for other marks' prices.
By purchasing the raw building, you will get disassembled parts. These parts are not sanded, and no electrical systems.
Purchasing the painted suit will get all the parts sanded and painted with automobile-level painting. They will be assembled and come with basic electronic systems (motorized face, eye lights, arc reactor, one hand light, one hand light with blaster sound effect)
Back cannon (electrical systems included): $600.
If you want some 3D printed parts of the iron man suit, please get in touch with me for prices.
Material: Durable PLA
Size: made to measure, please provide your measurements
Color can be customized.
Time Scale: 30 days for unpainted armor, 90 days for fully painted armor. Please note this time frame is an estimate and may change depending on the volume of orders.